Influential Software
Software Development business providing bespoke intelligent software that allows organisations to produce and manage business systems.
Key issues were:
The business needed to grow the customer base. Too much revenue reliance on one or two corporate clients
Growing the business through identification of markets that fitted their core skills as an organisation
Upskilling the senior management team to accelerate growth and to improve software development and control
Carried out an Away Day Strategy session to allow the Executive Team to identify the issues and to create solutions to grow the business
Through identification of key customers thatlients created process to target and drive clients
Worked with senior management team to drive process and product efficiencies
Customer base grew 100 fold
New markets were won leading to revenue risk reduction of focus on one key market sector
Business trebled in size and provided the scale for two acquisitions to the business

Scipac (now part of BBI)
Privately owned biotechnology business providing a comprehensive range of products for the diagnostic industry.
Key issues were:
Business revenue and profitability was reducing.
New Managing Director appointment was considered a risk by the shareholders
Failed merger (before new MD appointed) only provided additional anxiety of the future of the business
Innovation and Quality needed addressing
Newly formed executive team needed upskilling to accelerate growth and to implement any new strategic plans developed with the new MD
Carried out an Away Day Strategy session to allow the Executive Team to identify the systemic strategic issues limiting growth and to provide focus on those strategic plans to reset the growth of the business
We worked with ALL the executive team on a comprehensive Executive Coaching programme to accelerate and develop skills to implement the new strategic plans
We encouraged the shareholders to create Non-Executive structures to allow those individuals to focus on preparing the business for sale
Innovation and Quality improved leading to a raft of new products and new market opportunities
Export markets were developed leading to the majority of new sales from this region
Business grew from £2.7 to over £8m leading to the acquisiton of the business by BBI 3 years later

Henkel UK
UK division part of the German group business of €19Bn. Working with the European product development team
Key issues were:
Accelerating product development to market in a timely manner
Not involving and including key stakeholders at appropriate times
Internal sign-off of product development was clunky and not smooth adding to the delay in getting product to customers
Gaps in documenting product development processes leading to duplication of activities and not recording key learnings, successes and failures
We deployed our Accelerated NPD workshop which seeks to help companies understand their new product development (NPD) processes, streamline them with the objectives of bringing new and existing products to the market in a faster time
We worked with the key management teams over 3 sessions to:
Map the current processes that were employed to develop products
Review areas of weakness and successes in the process
Redefine and map the processes, keeping those that are good and eliminating those processes that inhibited time to market
New product processes for critical projects had an immediate impact on speed, quality and customer satisfaction